Investment Advisory Services

The key component to the FAN Advisors platform is our commitment to outstanding, personal investment advisory services. As a SEC Registered Investment Advisor, we are required to serve as a fiduciary or advocate and to always act in the best interest of the client. We fulfill this commitment by continually providing our Investment Advisor Representatives with information, training and support.

Training & Support Our Advisors

We continually train our Investment Advisor Representatives regarding changing regulatory requirements, current investment trends, new technologies, and money manager updates or adjustments. In addition to training, our Investment Advisor Representatives receive ongoing support so they can deliver the best possible services to their clients.

Investment Management
of Client Assets

We have contracted with a diversified lineup of respected and proven Institutional Money Managers, who are responsible to buy, sell, and allocate the assets of their respective portfolios. Our Investment Advisor Representatives also have access to other investment options, such as Exchange Traded Funds, Mutual Funds and Individually Listed Securities.

Evaluate & Monitor Money Managers

We implement an initial due diligence process that evaluates potential Institutional Money Managers and then we perform ongoing monitoring of all selected managers regarding critical activities such as:

  • Strict adherence to stated investment objectives
  • Strategic use of underlying investment holdings
  • Adherence to our established Portfolio Manager Quality Standards

Custody of Client Assets

The account custodian acts as an intermediary between you and our firm. The custodian holds your funds and securities on our behalf, processes your deposits and withdrawal requests, and issues monthly or quarterly account statements that reflect your assets and holdings managed by our firm.

Select & Verify Custodians

For the advisory services that we offer, the firm has solidified agreements with two (2) custodians. A custodian recommendation will be provided as a result of the type of advisory services you receive. Our custodians are reviewed no less than annually to 1) verify compliance with regulations and 2) assess the effectiveness of operations in providing the highest levels of service.

As it relates to clients, the investment advisory business is really quite simple. Clients expect outstanding investment management at a reasonable price; Nothing else really matters! Of course, it goes without saying that clients also expect their accounts to be properly serviced with information that is clear, understandable and administered through an efficient and easy to use system. They also expect their individual advisor to provide appropriate personal assistance and to serve as a fiduciary by always doing what is in the best interest of the client. But again, the bottom line for clients is outstanding investment management at a reasonable price.

We have purposely structured our platform to address this fundamental client requirement and to fulfill our fiduciary responsibility by incorporating two critically important client focused principles.

Complete Independence

FAN Advisors is not owned by any investment management company or any other financial services organization. FAN Advisors is privately owned, totally debt free and is therefore completely independent to always determine the best possible investment solutions for the ultimate benefit of the client. We are always completely unrestricted and totally free to select only the best possible money managers and if necessary remove any money manager.

Absolutely NO PROPRIETARY Products

FAN Advisors acts only as a “referring” RIA. In other words, FAN Advisors only selects the services of other unaffiliated money managers. Unlike many firms that personally manage assets, which provides an additional source of income for the firm, FAN Advisors has absolutely no financial incentive to promote any “in house or proprietary” investment solution. This also means that our representatives have absolutely no inappropriate pressure or personal financial incentive to offer any investment solution other than what is always in the best interest of the client.

These two core foundation principles contribute to an environment that fosters and promotes an inherent incentive for both the firm and the representative to provide the best possible investment solution for the client. Therefore, this enables us to fulfill our commitment to always do what is in the best interest of the client and provides clear and focused attention on delivering the best possible investment services at a reasonable price.

Goldman Sachs Charles Schwab